Hey, fellow art enthusiasts! I’m Ammar Ali, the creative mind behind Binge Drawing. I love drawing portraits, and for the last couple of years, I’ve been teaching myself how to draw (again!) and sharing lessons from my art journey here at Binge Drawing.
A bit about myself.

I am a former accountant who has dabbled a bit in game development and farming in the past (I have a long list of projects I have failed miserably at 🙈). Currently, I am learning how to draw while creating content for this blog, and I am aspiring to become an independent artist over the next few years (wish me luck 😂).
In 2018, I married my wife Maryam (whom I owe a lot for tolerating my passion for drawing) and together we have two beautiful kids.
Besides being obsessed with drawing and the fact that I’m extremely shy, I am basically the most average guy you can meet. Oh, and I love cycling and am always up for a mean game of ping pong!
How I got into drawing.

I started drawing when I was 3, and even as a toddler, I remember being obsessed with drawing three things: people, roses, and maps of countries 😂. I think I was slightly more advanced in drawing compared to my peers because I remember my art teachers were always impressed by what I could draw (too bad I lost all of my earliest drawings when we moved 😥) but I lost interest in arts when I was around eight as I got more interested in playing cricket (that’s an arguably more elegant version of baseball, in case you’re wondering what that is).
I had pretty much given up on art until I rediscovered my love for drawing when I was around 28, only to quit a year or so later because I felt frustrated at my lack of progress and was (unfairly) constantly comparing my art to my favorite artists on Instagram who had been doing it for years.
Two years ago, I had a moment of epiphany when I realized I wanted to make drawing a constant in my life. I decided to get back to drawing after almost 5 years of an art break, and I’m happy to report that I have been drawing consistently for more than two years now (well, mostly portraits and sculptures), and I’m sort of low-key proud of how much I have improved and, more importantly, that I have stuck with it for this long.

I am super excited to see where the next few years of my art journey take me, and I am also beginning to entertain the idea that if I persist with drawing for a few more years, I might be able to make a career out of something that I absolutely love (am I being delusional?).
Why I Started This Website

This tiny blog has been my passion project for the past couple of years. Originally, I planned to document just my art journey as I started learning drawing in the hope that it would help me learn more effectively.
Over the next few years, I want to build this website as a resource for aspiring artists like me who are somewhere along in their own art journey, working out basically the same stuff that I’m trying to figure out myself, like art fundamentals, portraiture, finding inspiration, developing art style, and exploring different techniques and mediums.
I plan on adding structured learning resources on this website as well as a community forum to help people learn drawing in a fun and interactive way while supporting others along the way.
Let’s connect!
I love engaging with fellow art enthusiasts and chatting about our drawing struggles, hearing suggestions, and sharing experiences to learn and inspire each other. Feel free to leave me a message, or follow me on Instagram, YouTube, or Pinterest.
You can also subscribe to my newsletter for updates about my latest blog posts and projects as well as snippets of what I’m working on.
Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to growing as an artist with you!