Hey, fellow art enthusiasts! Do you know what’s more complicated than drawing an eye? Drawing both eyes. And on a face! It does not help that eyes are the first thing we naturally notice when we see a drawing of a face, and if something is slightly off, the whole portrait looks a bit weird. …
When I took a plunge into the world of portrait drawing last year, my attempts were about as flat as a pancake, and far from convincing. To give you an idea, once I was being brave and sketching a Pinterest girl in a small cafe vibing to my favorite song thinking I was drawing the …
Hey there fellow artists. These past few months, I’ve been diving into portrait drawing, focusing on the Loomis Method. And I have to say it’s been a game-changer for me when it comes to the art of drawing faces. So in this post, I’m excited to share what I’ve learned about the Loomis Method. I’ve …
You know what’s oddly satisfying? Drawing glasses on faces! It adds so much character, story, and interest to the face. But as you probably already experienced, drawing glasses isn’t without its challenges. So, in this post, I’ll try to condense the process of drawing glasses on a face into seven simple steps that I have …
Hey there, fellow aspiring artists! So, let’s talk about one of my many struggles in the art world – drawing faces! Trust me, I’ve spent the past year trying to get this right, and I’ve realized that nailing those face proportions is like finding the Holy Grail of portrait drawings. So, in this post, I’m …
Hey there, fellow artists! If you’ve been on a journey to master the art of drawing eyes in a semi-realistic art style, you’re in the right place. After spending nearly a year learning to draw stylized portraits by studying the process of the contemporary masters of semi-realistic art like Eliza Ivanova and Loish, I have …
Although I love drawing people, I get easily bored filling out my sketchbook with the same type of portrait drawings all the time. Since getting back to drawing last year, I have learned that even small changes in the art style, mood, composition, reference, technique, and drawing medium can make a big difference in making …
The eyes are arguably the most tricky part of the face to draw. To improve my eye drawing skills, I have been trying different ways to practice drawing eyes these past few months that help me understand their structure, and anatomy but don’t require drawing from a live model. Here are 5 of my favorite …
The human face is my favorite drawing subject. But lately, I was getting too comfortable drawing portraits the same way and not learning different art styles, which is essential for beginner artists like me who are early in their art journey. So to improve my portrait drawing skills, I have recently been studying different ways of drawing …
When I got back to drawing this year, I struggled to draw faces well, so these past few months, I read a bunch of art books, took some introductory drawing courses, and binge-watched dozens of Youtube videos to improve my portrait drawing skills. Here are 6 of the best tips I have learned from other …
Capturing the resemblance of a face is one of the most challenging skills to learn in portrait drawing that can take years to truly master. These past few months, I have been trying to overcome my struggles with capturing the likeness of a face by learning basic head construction techniques, including the Loomis Method and …
I must admit that most of my sketchbooks are filled with portraits of women because, traditionally, I find drawing women a lot more satisfying than men. In an effort to become a more well-rounded artist, this past week I made it a point to draw more masculine faces and study how the old and new …
The eyes are arguably the most captivating part of the human face but, without a doubt, hard to draw well. When drawing portraits, it is essential to correctly place the eyes on the face in the early stages of your drawing. So in this post, I share some tips that I find helpful in quickly getting …
I personally find eyes the most challenging feature of the face to draw, and the fact that they are usually the first thing that a person notices on a face does not help beginner artists like me who have been finding it hard to draw the eyes well. And don’t ask me about my struggles …
When I got back to drawing portraits earlier this year, I wondered what I should learn first to draw the human head properly: the Loomis Method or the Reilly Method. My initial impression of the Reilly method was that it was too complicated for beginner artists. So I decided to learn the Loomis Method first …
Like most beginner artists, I struggled to draw faces well through most of my art journey. And let me be honest, the only way to truly get better at drawing faces, I think, is by practicing to draw faces over and over again despite being not very good at it at first. However, some things can speed up …
When I got back to drawing at the start of this year after a long break from arts, it seemed like I wasn’t getting better at drawing faces even though I was drawing consistently. But around three months ago, I changed the way I approach my portrait drawing practice, and I am quite happy with …
One of the main reasons why portrait drawings by beginner artists such as myself can look off is incorrect proportions. No matter how good your shading skills are, the honest fact is that if you don’t know the average size and placement of the different parts of the face relative to one another, drawing a …
The human face is by far my favorite subject to draw. But even after drawing hundreds of faces in the past two years, I still rip a considerable number of drawings off from my sketchbooks to ensure they never see the light of day. And it doesn’t help that our amazing brains can just intuitively …